Odoo Sales Module :
  • Product creation & management
  • Product variants & attributes
  • Pricelists
  • Discounts, loyalty & gift cards
  • Customer creation & management
  • Managing sales team
  • Quotation to invoice
  • Sales analysis reporting
Odoo Purchase Module :
  • Product management
  • Vendor management
  • Vendor pricelists
  • Request for quotation
  • Purchase management
  • Vendor bills
  • Drop shipping
  • Purchase analysis reporting
Odoo Accounting Module :

Introduction & Setup

  • Accounting basics
  • Odoo accounting setup
  • Chart of accounts and taxes

Daily Operations

  • Customer invoices and payments
  • Vendor bills and payments
  • Bank reconciliation
  • Expense tracking

Other Features

  • Credit notes and refunds
  • Asset management
  • Budgeting and analysis
  • Financial and tax reports
  • Custom reports and dashboards