Professional Certification Course
Python Django Angular Full Stack

Become an expert in front-end development using Angular and back-end using Django. This course is designed to provide you with the skills and knowledge required to become a professional full-stack developer. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer looking to expand your skill set, our program will guide you through the latest technologies and best practices in Python programming.


3 Months Course + 1 Month Internship



  • Certifications:

  • Introduction to Python
  • Python Syntax
  • Data Structure
  • Functions
  • File Handling
  • Object-Oriented Programming
  • Decorators
  • Testing and Debugging
  • Modules and Packages
  • Error Handling and Exceptions
  • Working with Strings
  • Functional Programming
  • Advanced-Data Structures
  • Generators and Iterators
  • HTML,CSS,Bootstrap
  • Web Development with Django
  • Django REST framework
  • PostgreSQL for RDBMS
  • Directives and Decorators
  • Introducing Angular
  • Services, Dependency Injection and Router
  • Introduction to TypeScript and Project Setup
  • Pipes, Data Formatting and Event Binding
  • Angular Components
  • Angular Modules and RxJs
  • Session Management
  • Forms in Angular and Validations
  • Work With Live Project
  • Angular-Django Full Stack Developer
  • Angular Developer
  • Django Developer
  • Full Stack Developer
  • Web Developer
A Promising Future Awaits

Our Web development program molds leaders with tomorrow's industry skills, meeting evolving demands.


Enhanced career prospects.


Increased job opportunities in Web development.


Average Faculty Work Experience

Python Django Angular Full Stack Certification Program

In the Python Django Angular Full Stack, you will have the opportunity to learn and develop scalable web, mobile, and desktop applications using the concepts of the Angular framework. The course is completely practically oriented and taught by experts in the tech field.